Manual Therapy for Athletes: Recovery and Performance

manual therapy for athletes recovery and performance

As a sportsperson, dealing with muscle niggles and injuries can feel like you’re batting on a sticky wicket. We’ve been around the block a few times to know that almost 90% of athletes face such hurdles at some point in their sporting journey. That’s why we’ve pieced together all the info on manual therapy – […]

Manual Therapy for Spinal Alignment

manual therapy for spinal alignment

Are you being a real trooper, dealing with back pain or dodgy posture? We’re no strangers to these troubles ourselves, mate. Research down under and beyond has highlighted the extraordinary benefits of manual therapy in sorting out spinal problems. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey to understand how and why manual therapy […]

Manual Therapy and Muscular Imbalances

manual therapy and muscular imbalances

Are you constantly battling that wonky feeling of being off-balance, coping with persistent muscle aches or finding it to be a real stinker to maintain good posture? We completely get the hassle, mate. The fact is, these issues are often signs of muscular imbalances – a problem affecting an astonishing 60% of adults out there. […]

Manual Therapy vs. Other Approaches

manual therapy vs. other approaches

Do you feel like you’re doing the old Australian bush dance around the array of musculoskeletal pain and injury treatment options out there? Trust us, we know that waltz all too well. After a fair dinkum looks into it, we’ve found understanding each technique’s role, such as manual therapy among others, can help steer your […]

Myofascial Release: Benefits of Manual Therapy

myofascial release benefits of manual therapy

We know what it’s like – having your muscles wound up tighter than a kangaroo on a trampoline, or wrestling with that niggling pain left after an injury. We’ve learnt from recent studies that about 80% of us Aussies experience some form of bodily discomfort, usually traced back to tight fascial tissues. But don’t worry, […]

Manual Therapy and Improved Range of Motion

manual therapy and improved range of motion

Reckon you’re battling with a bit of a limited range of motion or stiff joints? Mate, we understand the struggle all too well. Through our fair share of research and hands-on experience, we’ve discovered that manual therapy might just be the silver lining you’re searching for. Our article dives deep into the nitty gritty world […]

Manual Therapy for Pain Relief

manual therapy for pain relief

We totally understand – wrestling with chronic pain can feel like you’re on a never-ending rollercoaster ride, especially when you’ve tried every traditional treatment. It’s true mate, we’ve walked that road ourselves and realised manual therapy has been an actual lifesaver for many blokes and sheilas seeking some relief. In this blog post, we’ll be […]

Types of Manual Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide

types of manual therapy a comprehensive guide

We get it, mate. Coping with constant muscle or joint pain can really knock you around. Sure as eggs, many of us have been in your shoes, enduring that same discomfort and it spurred us on to explore the real benefits of manual therapy for easing such suffering. This article will take a good hard […]

Basics of Manual Therapy: Hands-On Healing

basics of manual therapy hands on healing

Navigating the battle with chronic pain or working towards recovery from an injury can feel like a hard slog. We know, mate – we’ve walked that path too and stumbled upon the game-changing benefits of manual therapy. This hands-on healing technique has been praised for yonks. Join us in this blog post as we guide […]

Exploring Manual Therapy: Healing Through Touch

manual therapy

Navigating the trials and tribulations of constant pain, restricted movement or bouncing back from an injury can feel just like a rough bush walk. We totally get it mate, having wrestled with similar quandaries and poured countless hours into research for finding truly effective solutions. This article will shine a light on manual therapy: a […]