Exercise Therapy for Athletic Performance

exercise therapy for athletic performance

Understand how irritating it can be, mate? You’re busting a gut trying to get your athletic performance up to scratch and then bang! Your progress is knocked for six by recurring injuries or mobility issues. It’s enough to give you the pip considering us athletes are 60% more likely to cop an injury than those […]

Exercise Therapy vs. Traditional Rehab

exercise therapy vs. traditional rehab

We get it, mate. Recovering from an injury or illness can be a real challenge and sorting through your rehab options can feel like trying to untangle a ball of wool. Studies have even shown that about 90% of us are left scratching our heads when it comes to choosing between traditional rehabilitation or giving […]

Everyday Movement in Exercise Therapy

everyday movement in exercise therapy

Are you finding it a bit tough to squeeze regular physical activity into your daily routine? No dramas, mate – we totally understand the struggle. In fact, research reveals that 35% of adults worldwide aren’t as active as they should be, which can lead to a few unwanted health issues down the track. But don’t […]

Beginner’s Guide to Exercise Therapy

beginner’s guide to exercise therapy

Struggling to hop over physical hurdles on your way to hitting those fitness goals? You’re not the only one, mate. But here’s a ripper fact – exercise therapy can be your golden ticket out. This all-inclusive guide is loaded with expert advice on everything from setting achievable goals to picking the right exercises. Keen to […]

Exercise Therapy for Managing Chronic Conditions

exercise therapy for managing chronic conditions

Ever found yourself battling a chronic condition, and frantically searching for some relief? We understand, mate. That’s exactly why we’ve plunged headfirst into stacks of research to find practical solutions. In this article, we’re going to have a yarn about how exercise therapy can help manage long-term rippers like diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Some […]

Mindfulness and Exercise Therapy for Well-being

mindfulness and exercise therapy for well being

Mate, it’s simply no secret. Life can really pack a punch sometimes, leaving us feeling weighed down in the boxing ring of life. It might shock you to know that 74% of us Aussies are grappling with the harsh realities of stress. But don’t worry; our blog post is here to arm you with some […]

Exercise Therapy for Pain and Injury Recovery

exercise therapy for pain and injury recovery

Ever found yourself trying to shake off a persistent niggle or one of those stubborn injuries that just won’t give you a break? We’ve all been there, mate – wrestling with this dilemma across different ages and fitness levels. After trawling through stacks of medical research, we came across exercise therapy as an effective method […]

Tailoring Exercise Therapy to Your Goals

Exercise Therapy to Your Goals

Are you feeling a bit stumped on your fitness journey despite clocking in the hard yards regularly? We get it, mate. It’s a bit of a bummer and finding out from research that this is quite common doesn’t help much either. According to experts, it’s all down to non-tailored workout routines. That’s why our article […]

Benefits of Exercise Therapy for Overall Health

Exercise Therapy Benefits

Oi mate, feeling a bit flat, always wired or even a tad anxious? That’s not unusual – research down under has shown there’s been an increasing number of Aussies battling physical and mental health issues. But don’t worry, there’s light at the end of the tunnel – this blog post is about to show you […]

The Science of Healing through Exercise Therapy

healing exercise therapy

Are you constantly battling with chronic diseases like heart problems, diabetes or arthritis? We understand the struggle as we’ve been there ourselves and found out that nearly 1 in every 2 adults has a chronic disease. Our comprehensive research brought us to an intriguing field of study; The Science of Healing through Exercise Therapy. Ready […]