Modalities in Exercise Therapy

modalities in exercise therapy

Battling ongoing pain or bouncing back from an injury can knock you for six. We understand mate, we’ve been around the block with these hurdles ourselves and found that a bit of exercise therapy can go a long way in providing some much-needed relief. This blog is your new best mate, helping you to get […]

Exercise Therapy during Pregnancy

exercise therapy during pregnancy

Struggling to stick to a regular exercise routine while you’re up the duff? You’re not alone, love. Pregnancy can certainly make the thought of a workout feel more like climbing Mount Kosciuszko. But did you know that research reckons regular and safe exercises during this special time can significantly boost your health – and bub’s […]

Exercise Therapy and Immune Function

exercise therapy and immune function

Feeling a bit under the weather, mate? Prone to catching colds or infections more than you’d like? We’ve trodden that path as well and realised that the solution could lie in our immune system. Based on solid research, we’re going to explore how exercise therapy might be just what your body needs to bolster its […]

Crafting Custom Exercise Therapy Plans

crafting custom exercise therapy plans

Know that gut-wrenching feeling of sticking to a ho-hum, catch-all exercise plan without any noticeable changes? Fair dinkum, we’ve navigated that path too and understand just how bleedin’ discouraging it can be. Our hefty amount of research has led us down the track to a potential solution: Bespoke Exercise Therapy Plans. In this blog post, […]

Exercise Therapy for Stress Reduction

exercise therapy for stress reduction

Are you battling feelings of anxiety, or feel like life’s spinning out of control? Mate, it’s not just you – these feelings are all too common in our break-neck-paced world. Research paints a clear picture that moving the body isn’t just good for our physical health; it also packs a solid punch in kicking stress […]

Exercise Therapy for Disabilities

exercise therapy for disabilities

Living with a disability can sometimes make the routine act of exercise feel like climbing a mountain. We completely understand, as our research has led us to explore this road and unearth that exercise therapy is indeed a proven way forward. In this blog post, we’re up for sharing practical tips, therapeutic approaches and strategies […]

Weight Loss with Exercise Therapy

weight loss with exercise therapy

Understanding the struggle to shift those extra kilos? Mate, you’re not alone. Many of us are right there with ya in this uphill battle, and sometimes dieting just doesn’t cut it. But don’t worry – adding exercise therapy to your weight loss plan could be the ace up your sleeve that helps you unlock a […]

Exercise Therapy for Posture and Spinal Health

exercise therapy for posture and spinal health

Are you battling to keep a proper stance and finding that niggling discomfort around your backbone? We get it, mate – life Down Under can be tough on the back sometimes. And we’re not alone. Studies point out nearly 80% of blokes and sheilas suffer lower back pain at some stage due to posture problems. […]

Psychology of Exercise Therapy

psychology of exercise therapy

Feeling a bit swamped by stress, worry or the blues? We totally understand, mate. You’re not alone; recent stats reveal that around 20% of us Aussies are tackling mental health issues each year. This article is your guide to understanding how giving exercise therapy a fair shake can significantly impact our mental well-being for the […]

Ageing Well with Exercise Therapy

aging well with exercise therapy

Growing older might feel like a bit of a rough trot, particularly when we think about keeping our physical and cognitive well-being in good nick. We’ve all had some hard yakka dealing with this truth at one point or another. But cop this brilliant fact—research consistently reckons that regular exercise is the key to ageing […]